Feminists are out there lurking. Waiting. Searching for the right opportunity to feed their outrage at a society designed by men, for the benefit of men. The tragic mass shooting in Plymouth was such a crime and met the desired criteria: a white male was to blame. This lunatic killed 5 people. 3 females. 2 males. This was not an equitable split along gender lines, so hatred of women must be the driving force – an obvious conclusion to a feminist.
A different incident a week earlier may have looked more appropriate to highlight the fight against male violence. But the burning to death of an Asian woman on the street did not have the right optics. It was problematic when the 3 alleged perpetrators are brown and Muslim. God forbid feminism actually tackle real misogamy.
As I do on many news stories where I have experience, I commented on this horrendous shooting. I tried to explore how someone could get to a position in life where they want to kill others for no apparent reason. I have first-hand experience with violence as I grew up on a notorious council estate. I have been held up by armed men who pointed a gun at my face. I was hospitalised after being assaulted with an iron bar and have 19 stitches in my head. I have also spent the last 2 decades working with mainly young men to stop them from getting involved in crime. I think I may have something to contribute to this discussion.
So I tweeted: 'A story of mental health, gun control, societal rejection, nihilism, and a missing role for young men in modern society. A sad day.'
Someone asked what I meant by 'a missing role for young men'?
So I answered by explaining that the role of men in modern society is more complicated than it use to be. Women do not need men financially anymore. The state has replaced fathers in many family homes. We need to find a new role for men so they do not turn to resentment and blame society for their own failings.
I am no apologist for men. I hold men to account. I am hard on them for that is how you get the best out of them. I have spent two decades working with young men and dispelling their excuses. I push them onto the path of personal responsibility for this is where success lies. I want men to be real men, not the poor imitations of women we are currently creating. Men are protectors and providers. Not violent criminals or assent fathers.
My comments were not wanted. It moved the narrative away from the mantra that 'all men are evil'. Feminists love evil men. It is the magic ingredient. It draws them together in a virtual coven so the chants of 'patriarchy', 'toxic masculinity' and 'gender-based violence' can begin.
I was accused of making excuses for the lunatic. I was not. I was trying to explain the potential reasoning behind this terrible event. Shouting about 'evil men' does not stop the next one. Blaming evil intent on purely being male is not helpful. In fact, it is insulting to men and a hate crime.
At this point in the argument, I decided to share a fact. The vast majority of violent men are raised by single mothers. This is a fact. Every report I have read confirms this. The prisons are full of men who grew up with no father at home.
The feminists now went crazy. I was accused of blaming the murder of 5 innocent people in Plymouth on single mums. This is not what I stated. I said that violent men are raised in homes where is no biological father present, only a mother.
This is when the real nasty abuse started. Hundreds of women crept out of the woodwork to insult me, to insult men, and warn others of my ‘crime’. Some just tweeted generic hate: I hate all men – Men are the problem – All men are killers.
This whole scenario has left me with a serious question. Can feminists accept personal responsibility? For all I have seen and heard is excuses and rhetoric. Is it not a fair question to ask why single mums are raising violent men? Which means we also need to ask where are the fathers and why are they not living with their children? We need to ask why some young men are failing at adulthood? Is the online world damaging the already poor communication skills of some of our boys? Is porn a problem? I have a thousand more questions we need to know the answer to.
Now I must state that not all comments were negative. I had a handful of women standing up for me and asking where exactly was the offence in my tweets. Hundreds of people 'liked' my posts. Slightly more people 'liked' my post than commented on it. I take that as a win – a silent win.
I have spoken about what I have done for young men in the last two decades, but have I done anything for young women? The simple answer is Yes. In the last decade, I have saved over a dozen girls from sexual and physical abuse. I even contributed to the arrest and prosecution of one of the offenders. I have set up 'girls groups' to develop the women we all need tomorrow. I created a girls ambassador project. One of whom was invited to Parliament to speak to her MP about youth matters.
I am a doer. I see what is wrong and I change it. I do not talk about it. I do not moan about it. I change it. I may not always be correct, but I am never criticised for inaction.
I see feminism damaging the lives of the women it states it serves. Feminism is not about equality anymore, it has not been for decades. It is now a man-hating ideology that offers 'believers' an excuse for their failures - it's men fault. This is why the vast majority of UK women do not call themselves feminists. Think about that. If it was just about equality then 99% of women and men would be feminists. But they are not.
Let us avoid the road that leads to ‘some genders are more equal than others’.
The front cover of my new book has been approved. Pre order now.
Will be available in a couple of weeks.
Click here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Making-Beggar-Rejecting-Personal-Responsibility/dp/1680536796
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